SEO Power Hours Portal - Clapping Dog Media

SEO Power Hours: Portal

Welcome to SEO Power Hours with Meg.

We’re excited to have you join our community focused on learning and growing  search engine optimization + your brand presence.

At Clapping Dog Media, we love SEO and are complete data-driven nerds. Our SEO Power Hours are crafted to provide you with valuable insights and  practical strategies in a collaborative and supportive environment. Whether you are brand new to SEO or think you know enough to be dangerous,  these sessions are here to educate, inspire, and support you.

Get ready to connect, learn, and grow with us as we explore the best practices to get found by Google.

This Portal will be your go-to spot to get upcoming dates, recordings, templates and everything else we will use during the SEO Power Hours.

SEO Power Hours – Session 1: Welcome Search News + SEO 101
Friday, June 7, 12:00-1:00 est

Resources from Session 1

SEO Power Hours – Session 2: Deep Dive into Baseline Reports + Keyword Research and Tools
Friday, June 14, 12:00-1:00 est

Resources for Session 2

SEO Power Hours – Session 3: How to Optimize Content so that Google Understands

Resources for Session 3

SEO Power Hours – Session 4: How to Create Content that Ranks (YouTube, Podcast Notes, Articles, Create Custom AI)

Resources for Session 4

SEO Power Hours – Session 5: Deep Dive into Google Analytics and Member Hotseat

SEO Power Hours – Session 6: Social Media and SEO

Resources for Session 6

SEO Power Hours – Session 7: How to Monitor and Measure Growth

Resources for Session 7

Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Site Development North Star Sites