SEO Consult - Done for You SEO - SEO Consulting - Clapping Dog Media

SEO Consulting

Meet Meg, your go-to SEO girl

SEO Consulting

Meet Meg, your go-to SEO girl

Get Smarter

Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know and need someone you trust to help figure it out. Set up a call and we can chat about all of the things. By the end, you will feel empowered and have a customized plan of action.



Customized Analysis

Thorough review of your current SEO strategy, including website, content, and keyword performance.


Competitor Insights

Analysis of top competitors to identify opportunities and gaps in your current approach.


Content Strategy

 Guidance on creating a content plan that aligns with your business goals and attracts targeted traffic.


Actionable Recommendations

Specific, practical steps to improve your SEO performance, tailored to your business needs.


Technical SEO

Identification of technical issues affecting your site’s performance and recommendations for improvements.


Keyword Strategy

In-depth keyword analysis and suggestions for high-impact keywords relevant to your industry.


Link Building

Strategies for improving your backlink profile to boost your site’s authority and rankings.

Get Unstuck



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The call was incredibly helpful.
I learned so many things that I had never knew on our call. Plus, most of them were were easily actionable and I was able to immediately take action on, which is amazing.
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We are so grateful to have had The Clapping Dog Team’s expertise in optimizing our website!
Before working with Clapping Dog, we barely received leads from Google and we can now happily say that we not only receive leads, but paying clients. Thank you for all of your hard work and care in optimizing our site!
—Zara and Sean
Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Site Development North Star Sites