SEO Services - Done for You SEO - SEO Consulting - Clapping Dog Media

Get more leads + sales with SEO

Perfect for: Established businesses looking to expand beyond word-of-mouth referrals and connect with potential clients who require your expertise but don’t know you exist yet. 

Get more leads + sales with SEO

Perfect for: Established businesses looking to expand beyond word-of-mouth referrals and connect with potential clients who require your expertise but don’t know you exist yet. 

Reach your business goals


Clapping Dog Media helps to grow your bottom line by increasing organic traffic. With our innovative and authentic SEO strategies we elevate your business and attract targeted traffic.

While SEO is undoubtedly a numbers game, our focus goes beyond just increasing traffic.

SEO Services that Achieve Your Business Goals

The goal of our SEO Services is to help you reach your business goals. Whether it is growing your email list, selling more services or getting more patients in the door, like Dr. Judith from MVP.

Our Thorough and Collaborative SEO Process

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. Our comprehensive and interactive approach involves a monthly retainer. Expect to receive a detailed performance report at the start of each month, accompanied by a minimum of one collaborative team meeting a month to align expectations and build a strong partnership.


The Process

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Review and Goal Setting

We start by understanding your goals, analyzing your competitors, and pinpointing your target audience.

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Keyword Research and Mapping

We meticulously research keywords, update keyword strategies, and analyze competitor keywords to bridge content gaps.

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Technical Optimization

We identify and resolve technical issues that may hinder your site’s visibility.

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Onsite Optimization

We align your website with target keywords and implement on-site optimizations to boost its search engine performance.

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Content Strategy

We curate a content plan based on industry trends, your specific goals, and target keywords.


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Performance Assessment

We continuously assess your SEO performance, monitor traffic trends, and provide you with detailed performance reports that include actionable insights and ideas for improvement.


SEO is a continuous journey.
We repeat these steps to ensure your online presence continues to grow and attract more of the right clients.
We work in 3, 6 + 12 month retainers. 


Ready to go?


Reach out to Meg

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I could not have been happier with finding Clapping Dog Media to help me get my SEO in top shape.
They are one of the most heart-led companies I have had the pleasure to work with and look forward to more opportunities to use their services!
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We are so grateful to have had The Clapping Dog Team’s expertise in optimizing our website!
Before working with Clapping Dog, we barely received leads from Google and we can now happily say that we not only receive leads, but paying clients. Thank you for all of your hard work and care in optimizing our site!
—Zara and Sean

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