Looking at the Big Picture: Navigating SEO Challenges and Celebrating Wins - Clapping Dog Media

Looking at the Big Picture: Navigating SEO Challenges and Celebrating Wins

Don’t forget to look at the big picture.

The past few months have been rough for SEOs, Google, and organic traffic in general. If you need a reminder, just scroll through my recent posts. In March, there was a huge algorithm update that affected 45% of organic traffic. Then, just last week, Google released AI Overviews. Currently the butt of many SEO jokes, these AI Overviews are expected to keep users on the Search Results Page, reducing clicks to websites.

I believe AI overviews, like the March update, will greatly decrease organic traffic. This is discouraging for anyone relying on organic search traffic to drive their business.

Staying Positive Amidst SEO Challenges

This month, as I meet with my clients to review performance, rankings, and conversions, I remind them (and myself) to look at the big picture. One of my clients, a large financial education company, saw a significant dip in total traffic. In May, total traffic was down by 18%. While there are many factors at play, looking at charts filled with downward trends and red numbers can be disheartening.

Taking a Step Back

To gain a better perspective, I pulled back and looked at the last six months as a whole. This broader view was encouraging:

  • Organic Users: Increased by 104% over the last six months.
  • Organic Sessions: Increased by 96%.
  • Ranking Keywords: Increased by 29%, with keywords in positions 1-10 (page 1) increasing by 40%.
  • Engagement: Organic traffic had the longest engagement, increasing by 16% over the last six months.

How Did This Happen?

Despite recent challenges, several key strategies contributed to these positive trends:

1. Updating and Optimizing Older Content: We refreshed older content by adding new keywords, better information, and internal links. This helps maintain relevance and improve search rankings.

2. Building a Brand: We enhanced their website, developed a YouTube channel, and nurtured followers through email funnels. These efforts strengthened the brand and increased visibility.

3. Improving Call to Actions (CTAs): We made CTAs more effective and easier to click through, leading to better conversion rates.

The Importance of the Big Picture

Taking a step back and looking at how far you have come is important not only for measuring organic traffic but also in business in general. If you’ve had a rough (or amazing) couple of months, take a moment to reflect on your entire journey and be encouraged by your progress.

Moving Forward

While there are many external factors that affect business growth (AI Overviews, I’m looking at you), it’s crucial to remember that consistent effort and providing value to your audience will lead to success. Keep showing up, stay helpful to your people, and you will be great.


In the ever-changing world of SEO, it’s easy to get caught up in short-term setbacks and frustrations. However, by taking a step back and evaluating long-term progress, you can gain a clearer and more encouraging perspective. Celebrate your wins, learn from your challenges, and continue to invest in strategies that build your brand and enhance your online presence. Remember, success in SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you’re feeling discouraged by recent trends, remember to look at the big picture. Reflect on how far you’ve come and stay committed to your long-term goals. By doing so, you’ll not only navigate the current challenges but also set the stage for sustained growth and success.

Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Site Development North Star Sites