Handling Frustration in SEO: Staying the Course and Expanding Platforms - Clapping Dog Media

Handling Frustration in SEO: Staying the Course and Expanding Platforms

Yesterday, I had a looooooooooong meeting with a frustrated client. I have been working with this client for over two years. They provide financial services to clients across many locations. Our SEO strategy was built on providing rich and valuable content on financial topics, and over time, we became an authority in the space.

The Growth and the Frustration

🚀 Year over year, organic traffic has grown by 35%. While this is a significant achievement, the client’s frustration stemmed from the fact that their new clients haven’t grown at the same rate. In fact, over the last quarter, the flow of new inquiries has slowed to a trickle.

Analyzing the Slowdown

During our call, we discussed various factors that could be contributing to this slowdown:

  • Economic Uncertainty: People are hesitant to make financial decisions during uncertain economic times.
  • Election Year: Political climates can impact consumer behavior, making them cautious.
  • World Events: Global events can influence local markets and client behavior.
  • Nature of Services: Financial services are not impulse buys; they require significant consideration.
  • Seasonal Slowdown: Summer months often see a dip in business activity.

The Strategy Moving Forward

My encouragement to the client was twofold:

  1. Stay the Course: Continue to be a wise financial voice in these uncertain times. Consistent, high-quality content builds long-term trust and authority.
  2. Expand to Another Platform: Increase your presence on another platform, such as LinkedIn. This can help reach a broader audience and drive more engagement.

The Client’s Frustration

😖 Despite these suggestions, the client was frustrated. They felt like I was making excuses and telling them to do more of the same things that weren’t attracting new clients. They wanted immediate results and were discouraged by the slow growth in new inquiries.

No Neat Ending

There isn’t a neat ending to this story. I wish there was a life lesson, a business quip, and that it ended in sparkles and rainbows. 🌈 We both got off the call discouraged. I, too, wish that people would engage with interesting articles about important things by instantly opening their wallets. But that isn’t how things work.

Staying the Course

If you are frustrated because you aren’t getting the results you want, the best advice I know is to keep the course. SEO is a long-term strategy. Building authority and trust takes time, and while it can be frustrating not to see immediate returns, the payoff often comes in sustained growth and a solid reputation.

Diversify Your Efforts

In addition to staying the course with your current SEO strategy, consider diversifying your efforts. Engage with your audience on different platforms, adapt your content to suit various channels, and keep exploring new ways to connect with potential clients.


The path to success in SEO is rarely straightforward. It requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt. While the frustration of not seeing immediate results is real, maintaining a consistent and high-quality presence, and exploring new avenues for engagement, can eventually lead to the desired outcomes.

In the world of SEO and digital marketing, staying committed to your strategy, even when the results are not immediately apparent, is crucial. Keep producing valuable content, show up consistently, and trust that your efforts will build the foundation for long-term success.

Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Site Development North Star Sites